Monday 10 October 2011

Shape & Form

For Unit 23 I went out of college to a nearby church to take photographs. I was focusing on shape and form in the environment. With this task it was necessary to make sure I filled the entire frame on the camera, ensuring the image was nothing but texture and shape.

This was a particularly deteriorated gravestone in the church. A lot of the stone had worn away to reveal the more natural reddish colour at the base of the stone. I picked this image specifically as it shows a very wide range of texture and colour.

This image and the one above it are of the marble steps in front of the church. They are evidently very old and the whole building has become neglected, but one positive of this is the natural wear that has occurred on the oldest parts of the building.

I used the manual focus on my lens to get this photograph. I was pleased with how sharp it came out and I felt it was a good example of natural shape and form.

I chose these nine pictures in particular as I felt they best presented a wide range of shapes and textures from the environment. Some are natural textures and some are man-made. I used my Canon 550d to take these photographs. I took these photos on a very rainy day, which didn't give particularly good light, but I felt I got good results despite this.

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