Monday 31 October 2011

Pinhole Photography

These are some different examples of pinhole photography I have found on the internet that I liked. I gathered these images as inspiration for my own attempts at pinhole photography. These images are by various different photographers and display a range of different styles.

Colour pinhole photography is less common but I think it has an appealing dreamlike quality to it.

This particular image (above) utilizes multiple exposures. 

Pinhole cameras are a very old form of photography. The original name for this photography process was 'camera obscura', which means 'dark chamber' in Latin. The term pinhole has come into use because of the literal pinhole light filters through to form the image.

Pinhole cameras are very simple and something that anyone can make. They are very cheaply made, only requiring a tin/container, tape, black sugar paper, some kind of foil and photographic paper.

Here is a diagram of an old 'camera obscura' camera:

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