Wednesday 30 May 2012


The second part of the Distortion brief involved taking my own photographs exploring the theme of distortion and experimentation. This involved finding reflections, shadows, light effects and skewed perspectives that created strange images.

I experimented with my camera using reflections in mirrors and other objects and found that I could create interesting, unusual images this way.

I put these images together as a diptych to show and compare the differences in focus on the mirror. I found this was an effective way to show the different perspectives in the image and create a slightly more unusual image.

Using a convex mirror created a different kind of skewed reflection, distorting the images into different angles.

I think this image is a good example of a more confusing distorted image, as it isn't clear what the reflection is actually contained in. The very shallow depth of field also makes sure that the reflection is the main focus of the image.

This photograph shows another kind of distortion, showing the camera taking the photo in another kind of 'reflection'. I think this image also works as it looks as if the ground is continuing into the screen of the phone.

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