Wednesday 14 December 2011

Album Covers

In this task I had to create an album cover/sleeve from scratch. I had a very basic template to start with, including just the album title and song names.

For this project I could use whatever medium I wanted. This included choices from digital photography, traditional fine art work using pencils, paint, etc, or creating a collage using various different sources. I could use any or all of these methods in creating my cover. I focused on using digital photography in my work as it is my main interest.

I also looked at different photography websites including Flickr to explore different photographic ideas I could explore. I was frequently drawn to photography utilising different light sources at night and decided I would try something similar using a globe lamp that I own.

I also had to work heavily with typography on this brief. I downloaded new free fonts from I found the typography to be the hardest part of this brief and spent a lot of time experimenting with different fonts, sizes, placements and spacing.

After completing these two covers with this theme I went on to experimenting with other styles of covers. I also experimented more with spacing and kerning in my typography, utilizing the Character Palette. 

I created a third cover using a different style of photography. This cover would probably be used by a fairly different band to the first two. 

Overall in this task I thought I produced some good work but I did find it difficult to get inspired in the beginning. I worked a lot with typography in this brief and think my skills in that area definitely improved.