Monday 28 November 2011

Giants Project

In this project I had to create 'giants' in photoshop. This involved taking background/landscape images as well as photographs of people, so I could combine them in photoshop.

When taking photographs for this task I had to be aware of how my models would later fit into the images. This meant I had to be conscious of having enough space for my 'giants' and making sure they would look realistic in the environment.

Once I had posed my models to fit into my landscape images I took my photographs into photoshop. My main task was cropping the model photographs. I had to work very neatly, making sure I cropped and selected my models down to select details. If I did not do this my giants would look too obviously photoshopped.

One of the new tools I used in this project was the Mask tool. This is another way to edit selections and offers more freedom in experimenting with selections and making mistakes.

Overall I thought I did well on this task and understood it. I produced five different Giant images that I was pleased with. I found the process interesting and felt confident using different techniques in Photoshop. I think the results I gained from this project fit the brief description well.

Tuesday 15 November 2011


I created a collage to later on use for screen printing. I struggled to find a theme at first but the idea developed as I began to research and create the work. I found some examples of collage using natural images and geometric shapes and began to form ideas with this inspiration. 

I arranged my collage in a fairly neat way, focusing on shape and contrast of images. I chose images with some action and movement in them, including crashing waves, cracking ice and explosion.

After my image was scanned I turned it black and white, increasing the contrast heavily so it could be used for screen printing.

Advertising Photographs

For this task we were asked to recreate an advertising campaign for an object of our choosing. We chose a guitar and a motorbike. Our challenge was to recreate an ad campaign for these objects in the studio, including choosing the set-up and lighting.

This is the advert we based these photographs off and were trying to recreate: